Saturday, December 13, 2008


Society has a bad habit of creating their own trauma dramas!

We are all human and have sinned. Some of us have been caught! So now, they can not get a good job, can't rent an apartment in a decent neighborhood. Where does that leave them - OUT ON THE STREETS trying to make a living buy begging or stealing. Why do we the taxpayers spend the money on these folks to Rehabilitate them and then have no faith in our own systems. Come On Folks - I am not speaking of Career Criminals - I am referring to your brothers and sisters, mother & fathers, children, aunts & uncles & all of those you love who have done wrong and been caught. Give them a Break. In fact, there should be a Law!

Fix the Economy? Here's How


We the People Need a BAILOUT!

Take all those billions of dollars and divide it among the TAXPAYERS! Watch what will happen: We will:
  1. Buy a car (auto makers/dealers benefit)
  2. Pay off our loans (banks benefit)
  3. Start a business (create jobs)
  4. Buy a house (Real Estate Market benefits)
  5. Christmas shop (retailers benefit)
  6. Buy a digital TV (Electronic Retailers Benefit)
  7. Pay off our past taxes and start fresh (government benefits)
  8. Buy health insurance and pay off old medical bills (healthcare benefits)
  9. Go on a vacation (Airlines, etc benefit)
  10. Invest in our future (Wallstreet benefits)

In otherwords - We get the chance to clean up our creditlines and Free Enterprise reigns!

These business who want a bailout will start focusing on the consumers and not congress??? The strong and worthy will survive, and those who have fallen too far behind will not make it.